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    Environmental-friendly Fire Extinguishing Foam Age
    S-3-AB and S-6-AB Water System Fire Extinguishing Agent
    Product IntroductionIn the process of fire extinguishing, when the water system extinguishing agent is dispersed on the burning surface of the combustion, the liquid is separated out to cool its surfa

    Product Introduction

    In the process of fire extinguishing, when the water system extinguishing agent is dispersed on the burning surface of the combustion, the liquid is separated out to cool its surface, and a water film and foam layer is formed on the surface of the combustible body to seal its surface. The air is isolated, forming an thermal insulation barrier. After absorbing the heat, the liquid is vaporized and dilutes the oxygen content of the air up to the surface of the burning object, thereby causing suffocation to the burning object and prevents the burning from continuing. Meanwhile, the fire extinguishing agent reacts with the burning object to form a polymer substance, which can effectively inhibit or reduce the production of combustion free radicals, destroying the combustion chain, and prevent combustion. Because the water system fire extinguishing agent has the dual functions of physical and chemical fire extinguishing, namely cooling and covering, it also has the function of destroying the combustion chain. Water system fire extinguishing agent has high fire extinguishing performance, strong anti-resurgence, stable performance, durable for storage, corrosion resistance, and low solidifying point, and it also is environmental friendly and with good permeability.

    Functional Characteristics

    It can quickly extinguish ordinary solid fire (Class A), flammable liquid fire (Class B), gas and vapor fire (Class C), and electrified material fire (Class E). It has fast fire extinguishing speed, strong anti-resurgence property, and has the functions of eliminating smoke and cooling rapidly when extinguishing fire.

    For liquid fires such as gasoline, diesel oil, kerosene, gasoline and ethanol mixture, it can achieve excellent effects, and can extinguish strong current fire (36,000 volts) and light current fires when under electrification.

    Packing & Storage

    Mixing ratio: S-3-AB mixing ratio with water is 3:97     S-6-AB mixing ratio with water is 6:94

    Package:25Kg、200Kg、1000Kg Plastic bucket

    Term of validity: Five Years

    Storage:-5℃~45℃ ventilate、ventilate, cool, dry storage room

    ★ We can formulate cold resistant agent products in this company.

    Performance Parameter


    Technical Norms

    Freezing Point

    Ordinary Type: ≦-10℃

    Cold Resistant Type :≦-12.5℃- -41℃

    PH Value


    Anti-freezing, Meltability

    No visible stratification and heterogeneity

    Class B Fire Fighting

    Solvent oil for rubber industry

    ≧55B (1.73m3)

    99% Acetone

    ≧34B (1.07m3)

    Class A Fire Fighting


    CASE Please submit your inquiry information to us at any time. We will contact you as soon as possible.
    Order online Please feel free to submit your inquiry information to us. We will contact you as soon as possible.
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