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    Environmental-friendly Fire Extinguishing Foam Age
    ABC Dry Powder Extinguishing Agent
    Product IntroductionThe content of this product can be made into different specifications and models according to user's needs. The product is treated by all-silicified moisture-proof and anti-cak

    Product Introduction

    The content of this product can be made into different specifications and models according to user's needs. The product is treated by all-silicified moisture-proof and anti-caking. It is also known as ABC general dry powder fire extinguishing agent. It has the function of fighting fire of Class A, B and C.


    Packing & Storage

    Package: 40Kg/Bag; Plastic bag inside, and woven bags outside.

    Storage: Ventilate, cool, and dry storage room. Prevent dampness and packaging damage.

    Performance Parameter


    Technical Norms

    Content %

    Based on customers’ request, +/-3 of the published value by the company

    Bulk Density g/ml

    ≧0.80, +/-0.1 of the published value by the company

    Water Content %


    Moisture Absorption Rate %


    Electrical Insulation/KV


    Anti-caking (Penetration Ratio)/mm


    Water Repellency

    No obvious water absorption, no caking



    Fire Fighting Performance (A, B, C)

    At least 2 successful fighting out of 3 experiments

    CASE Please submit your inquiry information to us at any time. We will contact you as soon as possible.
    Order online Please feel free to submit your inquiry information to us. We will contact you as soon as possible.
    Name :
    Emai :
    Tel :
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