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    Environmental-friendly Fire Extinguishing Foam Age
    Environmental-friendly 3% and 6% Aqueous Film Forming Foam Extinguishing Agent
    Product IntroductionThis agent is composed of fluorocarbon surfactants and hydrocarbon surfactants as its base materials, and it is a high-efficiency foam extinguishing agent. It has characteristics o

    Product Introduction

    This agent is composed of fluorocarbon surfactants and hydrocarbon surfactants as its base materials, and it is a high-efficiency foam extinguishing agent. It has characteristics of good foam fluidity, fast fire extinguishing speed, good sealing performance and long pot life. It can be combined with dry powder extinguishing agent to extinguish oil and grease fire, and also can be used to fight fire of large oil storage tank in the form of “submerged injection”.


    Packing & Storage

    Mixing ratio: 3%AFFF mixing ratio with water is 3:97   6%AFFF mixing ratio with water is 6:94

    Package:25Kg、200Kg、1000Kg Plastic bucket

    Storage:-5℃~45℃ Ventilate, cool, dry storage room

    Term of validity: Eight years

    ★ We can formulate cold and seawater resistant agent products for you in our company.


    Performance Parameter 


    Technical Norms

    Freezing Point

    Ordinary Type: ≦-10℃

    Cold Resistant Type :≦-12.5℃- -35℃

    Anti-freezing, Meltability

    No visible stratification and heterogeneity

    PH Value


    Specific Liquidity

    Flow rate of foam solution is not less than standard reference flow

    Diffusion Coefficient

    Positive value

    Foam Expansion/20℃

    Deviation from the eigenvalue is not greater than 1.0 or not more than 20% of the eigenvalue

    25% Water Drainage Time//200C

    Deviation from the eigenvalue is not more than 20% of the eigenvalue

    Fire Fighting Time (min)


    Anti-burning Time (min)


    CASE Please submit your inquiry information to us at any time. We will contact you as soon as possible.
    Order online Please feel free to submit your inquiry information to us. We will contact you as soon as possible.
    Name :
    Emai :
    Tel :
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