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    Environmental-friendly Fire Extinguishing Foam Age
    MJABP Class A-type Fire Extinguishing Foam Agent
    Product IntroductionClass A-type Foam Agent is a new high efficiency compressed air foam extinguishing agent. Its main advantages are fast fire control speed, high water consumption efficiency in

    Product Introduction

    Class A-type Foam Agent is a new high efficiency compressed air foam extinguishing agent. Its main advantages are fast fire control speed, high water consumption efficiency in the fire site, remarkable effects of heat insulation, radiation proof and anti-resurgence, which can greatly reduce the waterlogging damage in the fire site. This foam can be used in different proportions to achieve the best extinguishing effect by controlling the amount of foam supplied. It can increase the viscosity of water and adhere to the surface of flammable objects, forming a protective anti-radiation layer, increasing the burning resistance and anti-resurgence. Can be formulated with the proportion of 0.1-3%, to maximize its advantages and also maximize users economic benefits and life safety.

    Class A compressed air foam fire extinguishing agent has rich and fine foam with strong adhesion. Because the in-house compound fluorocarbon surfactant complex is used in the formula, the foam has good durability, stable drainage time and low surface tension of drainage solution. When extinguishing Class A fire ( solid fire), the foam adheres to the surface of the burning object to form a protective layer of thermal insulation and radiation proof. And the foam is table and durable, never flows arbitrarily, reducing the waterlogging damage. Because the continuous foam separates out thick liquid with strong penetrating ability, it can penetrate into the depth of shade flame of the solid combustion. The foam then spreads quickly under the action of the aqua film. The stable and lasting foam, as well as the stable and lasting drainage water can not only quickly extinguish the fire, but also effectively prevent the resurgence of the combustion. Therefore, the product has the advantages of stable foam and good anti-resurgence.

    Packing & Storage

    Package:25Kg、200Kg、1000Kg Plastic Bucket

    Storage:-5℃~45℃ ventilate, cool, dry storage room

    Term of validity: Three years

    ★ We can formulate seawater resistant agent products for you in our company.

    Performance Parameter


    Technical Norm

    PH Value


    Freezing Point


    Anti-freezing, Meltability

    No visible stratification and heterogeneity

    Surface Tension (mN/m)

    Mixing ratio at 1.0%, surface tension≦30.0


    Mixing ratio at 1.0%, wetting time≦20.0S

    25% Drainage Time (min)

    Mixing ratio at 0.5%, deviation between 25% drainage time and eigenvalue is not more than 30%

    Thermal insulation and protection performance

    Mixing ratio at 3%,  25% drainage time ≧20.0 min, and foam expansion≧30.0 times

    Class A Fire Fighting Performance

    Mixing ratio at 0.5%, fire fighting time ≦90.0S, and anti-resurgence ≧10.0 min

    Fire Fighting Performance for Water -insoluble liquid

    Mixing ratio at 0.5%, deviation between foam expansion and eigenvalue is not greater than 20%, fire fighting performance level 1A

    CASE Please submit your inquiry information to us at any time. We will contact you as soon as possible.
    Order online Please feel free to submit your inquiry information to us. We will contact you as soon as possible.
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