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    Water Supply System
    ZSTW Water Curtain / Spray Nozzle
    Copper/Stainless Steel/Aluminum AlloyWater Curtain NozzleProduct IntroductionThis product is a component of automatic or manual water curtain series. It is suitable for water curtain partition of larg

    Copper/Stainless Steel/Aluminum Alloy

    Water Curtain Nozzle

    Product Introduction

    This product is a component of automatic or manual water curtain series. It is suitable for water curtain partition of large space in buildings/structures requiring water curtain protection. It is used for cooling protection of windows, eaves and walls of burning structures, and fire resisting shutter in buildings. It is also widely used for cooling protection of petrochemical tanks and fire protection of dangerous goods wharf.

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    Order online Please feel free to submit your inquiry information to us. We will contact you as soon as possible.
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