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    Water Supply System
    XBD Series Motor Fire Pump Group
    Advantages01. Motor Fire Pump Group, driven by motor, with various types of horizontal and vertical structures.02. Motor Fire Pump Group has small footprint, low noise, and good performance for start


    01. Motor Fire Pump Group, driven by motor, with various types of horizontal and vertical structures.

    02. Motor Fire Pump Group has small footprint, low noise, and good performance for start and operation.

    03. Although Motor Fire Pump has advantages of easy operation and maintenance, most design code of fire fighting system requires that when motor fire pump group is used, double circuit power supply should be provided, and usually diesel fire pump sets should be provided as a spare.

    04. Small and medium motors mostly use protection level IP44Y series motors of 380V, 50HZ frequency.

    05. Large motors usually use protection level 1P23, IP44, or IPE54 Y series motors of 6KV or 10KV, 50HZ frequency.

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    Order online Please feel free to submit your inquiry information to us. We will contact you as soon as possible.
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