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    Environmental-Friendly Foam Extinguishing Equipmen
    Closed Foam-Water Spray Device
    Product IntroductionClosed foam-water spray device is a fixed fire extinguishing device with high fire-fighting efficiency and extensive application. It is suitable for buildings and structures with f

    Product Introduction

    Closed foam-water spray device is a fixed fire extinguishing device with high fire-fighting efficiency and extensive application. It is suitable for buildings and structures with flammable liquids, in which water spray protection system can be installed, such as warehouse of dangerous goods, automobile garage, aircraft garage, parking lot, chemical plant, boiler room, petrochemical enterprise, metallurgical enterprise, etc. In addition, it also has good extinguishing effect on class A fires of ordinary combustibles, and substances such as rubber, plastics, synthetic fibers and other substances.

    Basic Structure

    The device is mainly composed of foam liquid storage vessel, foam proportioner, pressure relief valve, foam solution control valve, wet alarm valve, pipelines and other accessories.

    Operational Principle

    The device is mainly composed of foam liquid storage vessel, foam proportioner, pressure relief valve, foam solution control valve, wet alarm valve, pipelines and other accessories.

    The environment temperature of the protection area of the system increases due to the fire, up to the temperature required by the act of the closed sprinkler head 【9】,  which then starts to sprinkle. The water flow indicator 【12】acts, and the wet alarm valve 【20】opens. The pressure water runs from the alarm shut-off valve 【24】through the retarder 【42】and enters into the alarm relief pipeline 【21】. The hydraulic alarm bell 【23】starts to alarm, and the pressure switch acts 【41】. Then the  fire pump starts to add pressure and supply water to the system network. In the meantime, the pressure water runs through the water supply valve of the pressure relief valve 【35】, opens the pressure relief valve, and relieves the pressure of the pressure water in the control pipeline【37】. The control valve of the foam solution 【14】automatically starts. The capsule of the foam vessel 【4】is squeezed by the pressure water that comes from the pipeline【34】, which supplies water to the foam vessel, and the foam solution in the capsule flows to the control valve【14】, and mix with the water that comes from the main pipeline 【22】 in the foam proportioner 【19】, where the foam mixture is formed and injected from the opened spray hose 【9】for fire fighting.





    Performance Parameter



    Working Pressure (Mpa)

    Mixture Flow(L/S)

    Mixing Ratio (%)

    Tank Volume (L)

    Loss Pressure of I/O (MPa)



















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