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    Environmental-Friendly Foam Extinguishing Equipmen
    PCL Foam Hydrant
    It is a foam fire extinguishing system used for oil depots, with dedicated pipelines for the transportation of foam mixture.Product IntroductionAccording to Article 3.1.4 of Code of Design for Low Exp

    It is a foam fire extinguishing system used for oil depots, with dedicated pipelines for the transportation of foam mixture.

    Product Introduction

    According to Article 3.1.4 of Code of Design for Low Expansion Foam Extinguishing System,  National Standard GB50151-1992, foam hydrant should be evenly arranged along the lateral side of the fire embankment for storage tank areas that adopt fixed foam extinguishing system.



    Inlet Flange

    DN100, PN16

    Ball Valve


    Material:Antiseptic Stainless Steel

    Pipe Connection


    Material:Antiseptic Alloy

    Vent Valve


    Material: Stainless Steel


    CASE Please submit your inquiry information to us at any time. We will contact you as soon as possible.
    Order online Please feel free to submit your inquiry information to us. We will contact you as soon as possible.
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