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    Environmental-Friendly Foam Extinguishing Equipmen
    PHP Balanced Proportional Mixing Device
    Product IntroductionFor the balanced proportional mixing device, the mixing process of the foam solution mixture is to add pressure into foam solution through foam solution pump, and then introduce th

    Product Introduction

    For the balanced proportional mixing device, the mixing process of the foam solution mixture is to add pressure into foam solution through foam solution pump, and then introduce the pressured foam solution into balance valve. After being adjusted in the balance valve, the foam solution is send to the proportional mixer. When the change of water pressure and flow rate in the main pipeline occurs in different working conditions, the balance valve is always able to dynamically adjust the volume of the foam solution that has been introduced to the mixer, so that foam solution with accurate proportion can be formulated without interruption during the operation of the device, which is then supplied to the foam extinguisher to generate quality foam for effective fire fighting work. This device is especially suitable to be used in medium to large foam fire extinguishing systems. Since the normal pressure foam solution storage tank allows continuous filling of foam solution during the process of fire fighting, which will prolong the time of fire fighting, the anti-disaster ability and reliability has greatly improved. Balanced proportional mixing device is a comparatively more advanced foam fire extinguisher, which especially fits significant fire protection projects in petrochemical enterprises, large scale oil depot and oil wharf, as well as offshore drilling platforms.


    Adjust the volume of the foam solution that enters into the mixer by using balance valve, and ensure the accurate proportion of the liquid mixture.

    Use steel or bronze gear pump to supply the foam solution, to ensure that the working pressure and volume of the foam solution mixture has a wider adaptation range, and no corrosion and rust occurs due to the foam solution.

    The normal pressure steel foam solution storage tank has the advantages of easy maintenance, high reliability and long service life.

    The device is suitable for any foam fire extinguish agents, such as Protein, Fluoroprotein, and Aqua Film Forming.

    The fact that foam solution can be filled any time during the fire fighting process can better meet the requirements of modern large scale foam fire protection projects, ensuring higher reliability.

    The device adopts switching control modes between automatic and manual, which provides ease-of-use and reliability.


    The Meaning of Model


    Mixing ratio 3%, Flow rate 100L/S,

    Balanced proportional mixing device



    Performance Parameter

    National standard:GB20031-2005 General Technical Specifications for Foam Fire Extinguishing Systems and Components



    Inlet/Outlet Diameter


    Range of Working Pressure (MPa)

    Rated Mixture Flow Rate(L/S)

    Range of Rated Mixture (L/S)

    Mixing Ratio

    Pressure Loss

    Driving Mode







    Less than 0.15MPa

    Dual Motor



    Dual Water





















    Structure and Principle


    The PHP Balanced Proportional Mixer Device adopts the form of balanced pressure proportional mixing, and comprises normal pressure foam solution storage tank, foam pump sets (driven by motor, hydroturbine or Diesel), balance valve, safety relief valve, proportioner, filter, and other components and pipelines.



    Operation Diagram of Balanced Proportional Mixing Device


    Flushing valve outlet (normally closed), Soft pipe, Safety valve, Double needle pressure gauge, Foam mixture, Shut-off valve, Balance valve, Foam solution storage tank, Foam reflux, ball valve, ball valve, Foam solution, Proportioner, Motor valve, One-way valve, One-way valve, Foam solution standby pump, Pressure gauge, Electric control cabinet, Motor, Motor, Power connection alternating current 380V, Flushing valve outlet (normally closed), Fire fighting pressure water

    Operation Principles

    When fire breaks out, the foam pump injects the foam solution that is stored in the normal pressure container into the pipeline, and then adjusted by the balance valve, the foam solution is mixed with the pressure water in the main pipeline of the proportioner into foam solution mixture at certain proportion. The foam solution mixture is conveyed to foam generator, foam gun, foam monitor or other foam equipment, and when the air bubbles are generated, they can be used to fight liquid fire of Class A, B and C. The balance valve is an important component of the device. Based on the actual water pressure of the system and the pressure of the foam solution supplied by the foam pump, the balance valve automatically adjusts the opening of its valve dynamically, in order to control the volume of the foam solution that enters into the proportioner, so only proper amount of the foam solution will enter the proportioner and mix with the pressure water to provide foam solution mixture with expected proportion. Several driving modes for the foam pump are available for choose: motor, hydroturbine or Diesel.



    Operation Diagram of Balanced Proportional Mixing Device ( Dual Proportion)

    Foam solution vessel, Motor valve, Motor valve, Filter, Filter, Motor, Foam solution pump, Safety valve, Safety valve, Foam solution pump, Motor, Flushing valve (normally closed), Double needle pressure gauge, Double needle pressure gauge, Fire fighting pressure water, Proportioner, Foam mixture, Proportioner, Foam mixture

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